Tencent Intelligent Tourism Project
Below you can find two digraphs about the Tencent intelligent tourism project that I am introducing to you. After previewed these diagraphs, I believe it will make this project more comprehensible when you read the long article below!
My company Hong Kong Tenlink Network Company Limited is now promoting a Tencent Intelligent tourism project and this project is about to bring Chinese outbound tourists to overseas countries!
Prior to explain you this tourism project, I will like to introduce you in detail about our company. Our company “Hong Kong Tenlink Network Company Limited” is the official “Tencent Partnership Company” for tourism (Qualification number 1000767604).
In China, Tencent is responsible for some of the biggest social media and messaging apps including QQ, WeChat, and Qzone. Tencent even has its own digital assistant, named Xiaowei, which can answer questions about the weather or traffic just like Alexa or Facebook’s M. Really, the number of Tencent apps and web services in China is seemingly endless, spanning things like the TenPay mobile payment system, the Weiyun cloud storage service. You can browse at their website https://www.tencent.com/en-us/articles/2201285.html.
If you browse at https://99firms.com/blog/wechat-statistics/, then you will see how many Wechat users and data traffic information. Just to let you notice that WeChat users are consuming 46TB of data every minute during the morning rush hour. With this all these information, it is no doubt that Tencent “One-Phone Tour” is actually provide most sophisticated big data technology!
Actually what is Tencent intelligent tourism (Tencent “One-Phone Tour”)?
Tencent intelligent tourism APP is widely used in China. And we name it as Tencent “One-Phone Tour” because the tourist can travel easily just with their mobile phone. If you want to know more about this, then you should browse at this https://apps.apple.com/cn/app/go-yunnan/id1484293598/ This is the Tencent “One-Phone Tour” for Yunnan province in China. And you might ask why Yunnan province needs this Tencent “One-Phone tour”?
First of all, please aware that Yunnan is a tourist hotspot in China, the population there is 50 millions people and there are over 10 million tourists visit there in a year. In order to impose city planning and security control, Yunnan government have approached Tencent to develop big database for them. Eventually the Tencent “One-Phone Tour” is established!
After 3 years Covid pandemic, many provinces in China are lock down. Right before the Chinese New Year 2023, China suspend the Covid lock down. Travelers are allowed to travel again. And Yunnan received a total of 45,146,100 tourists during the Spring Festival in 2023, and the number of tourists received by 16 cities in the province maintained a double-digit growth. In case they didn’t establish our Tencent intelligent tourism program in earlier date, then it is a mess if there are too many tourists go into their province just in peak time of a year!
When a tourist go to Yunnan, they can easily find a lot of Tencent “One-Phone Advertising” (see attached photo) at airports, mass transport stations and bus stops. By scanning the QR, then they are able to use the “One-Phone Tour” while travelling inside Yunnan province!
Recently Mr. Ma, CEO of Tencent announced in TV about how successful of this Tencent “One-Phone Tour” for Yunnan province!
In fact, this “One-Phone Tour” is not limited in China. There are many cities and countries already developed The Tencent “One-Phone Tour” and they are Helsinki in Finland, Stockholm in Sweden, Vancouver in Canada, Portugal, Ireland and New Zealand. These countries already developed this Tencent “One-Phone Tour” before the Covid quarantine 2019. And you can easily find the huge increase of China tourists to these cities or countries!
After three long years of Covid quarantine, almost all countries already reopened their borders now. At present, every countries are seeking out the fastest way to boost long-run growth after Covid-19! Many governments aware that tourism has potential to play a major role in global pandemic recovery!
And we will like to introduce our Tencent “One-Phone Tour” since it is the most powerful APP that can help their country to attract more Chinese tourists into your country!
World welcomes China's resumption of outbound tourism
China outbound visitors (https://china-outbound.com/)
- A total of 169.21 million outbound trips were made by Chinese tourists in 2019
- During this year's Spring Festival (i.e., 10 days), more than 2.87 million people traveled abroad, an average of 410,000 per day, up 120.5 percent from the same period last year, according to Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning
- The second quarter of 2023 and especially the second half of 2023 will see a wave of Chinese outbound visitors, looking for new experiences and new destinations. COTRI ANALYTICS forecast.
For 2023: 110 million border crossings from Mainland China, reaching 2/3 of the level of 2019.
For 2024: 170-180 million border crossings from Mainland China, overtaking the 2019 level.
Based on the average expenses per tourist is about RMB30,000 = USD4,500—
For 2023: Based on 110 Million x expenses of USD4,500/tourist = 495 Billion USD
For 2024: Based on 175 Million x expenses of USD 4,500/tourist = 788 Billion USD
What is the advantages for a city or country posses our Tencent intelligent tourism system (i.e., Tencent “One-Phone Tour”?
Before the government posses our Tencent “One Phone Tour”:
- Government only benefit from overseas tourists through two channels (i) tourist visa (ii) Taxation from those industries that benefit from the tourism in their country.
- Government has to spend a lot of money in promoting their tourism.
- All big data such as tourism information are in the hand of those enterprises such as hotel groups, airlines, travel agents and overseas social media sites etc.
Benefit once the government posses our Tencent “One Phone Tour”:
- All expenses of each tourist are going through this system. Government is able to obtain their tax before they pay to each individual entrepreneur. No limited to those big enterprises such as hotel groups, airlines, travel agents but also grocery shops, taxi drivers, public transports, restaurants and souvenir shops.
- Instead of payment advertising money to other media, government merely pay to this platform and their government got clearly the viewer data and valuable information.
- This is the opportunity for a government to possess big data of their country. Frankly speaking, it is very difficult for a country to get this sophisticated big data system for their country. See the problems about to encompass data date for their country . (https://www.bing.com/search?q=Problem+with+big+data+development&cvid=fb82cd2584fa4a9487ee5f96bb469380&aqs=edge..69i57j0l8.7376j0j4&FORM=ANAB01&PC=EDGEDB&mkt=zh-CN)
- With the info of big data, this valuable data can help their country to develop country’s infrastructures and smart city’s planning. Relating to this, I want to let you know that there are 45,1461 million tourists visited Yunnan to celebrate their Spring Festival holiday within 10 days holidays. Well Yunnan is a landlocked province in the southwest of the People's Republic of China. The province spans approximately 394,000 square kilometers (152,000 sq mi) and has a population of 48.3 million (as of 2018). Since they got our Tencent “One Phone Tour”, therefore many inbound Chinese tourists enjoy to visit this province during their holidays. And tourism is , indeed, bring them enormous income of their province. Please go ahead to download English version about “Visit Yunnan”. https://goyunnan.ybsjyyn.com Besides, tourists can scan the QR at airports and mass transport stations to install the Yunnan “One-Phone Tour” (see attached photo). Please go ahead to experience it!
Now it is the era of the digital economy and this Tencent “One Phone Tour” (i.e., Tencent intelligent Tourism Program) is an epoch-making product that has subverted the travel industry! People might think that this is merely a program to attract Chinese tourist to their country but I have to point this out that we are actually sharing this unique big data technology to other country selflessly! Please understand that information management (IFMA) is the power of a country besides money and military power! It is ,in fact, a must for a city or country to posses the control of big database!
Estimation of tourist after installation of Tencent “One-Phone Tour” APP
If a country just calculates the quantity of Chinese tourist into their country right now, then you believe that all these Chinese tourists are going to use Tencent “One-Phone Tour” APP. So you can easily calculate how much the money will go into their government hand prior to the individual enterprises after taking the taxation for their country! And all the big data are holding in their hand. Regarding the additional tourists will be discussed once we start up the dialog officially!
Why it is important for a city or country to posses our Tencent “One-Phone”?
- At present it is the era of the digital economy and Tencent’s “One-Phone Tour” is an epoch-making products that has subverted the travel industry.
- We tourism system is a one-stop solution for a city or country against tourism! We provide a comprehensive range of products and services.
Before they have our Tencent “One Phone Tour”:
- Some of the country can obtain the income of tourism from two channels (i) tourist visa (ii) Taxation from those industries that benefit from the tourism in their country.
- Government has to spend a lot of money in promoting their tourism.
- All big data such as tourism information are in the hand of those enterprises such as hotel groups, airlines, travel agents and overseas social media sites etc.
After they have set up the Tencent “One Phone Tour” for their country:
- All expenses of each tourist are going through this system. Government is able to obtain their tax before they pay to each individual entrepreneur. No limited to those big enterprises such as hotel groups, airlines, travel agents but also grocery shops, taxi drivers, public transports, restaurants and souvenir shops.
- Big data such as all detail individual tourist records, expense habit of each person, the best selling souvenirs, the most favorable restaurants, best travel attractions in their country etc., are kept by overseas companies such as airlines and hotel groups and travel agencies in the past. Now all these valuable big data are under government's own possession.
- Instead of payment advertising money to other media, government merely pay to this platform and their government got clearly the viewer data and valuable information.
- This is the opportunity for a government to possess big data of their country. Frankly speaking, it is very difficult for a country to get this sophisticated big data system for their country. See the problems about to encompass data date for their country . (https://www.bing.com/search?q=Problem+with+big+data+development&cvid=fb82cd2584fa4a9487ee5f96bb469380&aqs=edge..69i57j0l8.7376j0j4&FORM=ANAB01&PC=EDGEDB&mkt=zh-CN)
- With the info of big data, this valuable data can help their country to develop country’s infrastructures and smart city’s planning. Relating to this, I want to let you know that there are 45,1461 million tourists visited Yunnan to celebrate their Spring Festival holiday within 10 days holidays. Well Yunnan is a landlocked province in the southwest of the People's Republic of China. The province spans approximately 394,000 square kilometers (152,000 sq mi) and has a population of 48.3 million (as of 2018). Since they got our Tencent “One Phone Tour”, therefore many inbound Chinese tourists enjoy to visit this province during their holidays. And tourism is , indeed, bring them enormous income of their province. Please go ahead to download English version about “Visit Yunnan”. https://goyunnan.ybsjyyn.com Besides, tourists can scan the QR at airports and mass transport stations to install the Yunnan “One-Phone Tour” (see attached photo). Please go ahead to experience it!
National security issue:
Last but not least, the government can track each tourist while they are travelling within their country. Without such an sophisticated cloud computing management system, it is no way to implement this goal. As the matter of fact, this is the reason why there are many countries are eager to work with us right now!
About cloud data based management (PDF) system:
- Tencent WeChat big data is the most reliable application software:
As you know, China population is 1.35 billion. And almost everyone in China are using WeChat! People here already rely on all the applications for it makes the life more easier. Imagine that there are few millions of people are using face recognition, QR scanning and passwords for the digital payment a the same time. You will surprise how come there are no delay or any traffic congestion. Things are just going smoothly and you ignore how complicate the technologies from behind. Tencent is fine tunning their system with 1.35 billion users without any problems for many years!
- What is the biggest problem with big data?
Many people are working with big data but their system are not tested. One of the foremost pressing challenges of massive Data is storing these huge sets of knowledge properly. The quantity of knowledge being stored in data centers and databases of companies is increasing rapidly. As these data sets grow exponentially with time, it gets challenging to handle.
And you can understand that Tencent is running such system for a country with 1.35 billion population for many years. It is no doubt that it is the most reliable system that had ever made!
Procedure to work with Tenlink (General terms and conditions):
A) An letter of intend from the government should send to our company “Hong Kong Tenlink Network Company Limited” is required. Upon receipt of this letter, we will start up our dialog for this project officially.
B) Their government can send their government representative from tourism department or personnel from their embassy in China to our Shenzhen headquarter and Tencent office for in-depth discussion.
C) Once we confirmed to work together, an official announcement will be held in Tencent head office to public for this is an important news for their country. As the matter of fact, this is a huge event between China and their country!
D) The way how to work together are:
- A joint venture company will be established in Hong Kong between Tenlink & the investor/government
- Investor/Government have to pay for around 20 million to 30 million for a country, and 5 to 8 million for a city. (Subject to final negotiation)
- Tenlink will pay for all related cost of the software, hardware and all manpower cost of Tencent engineers. Just for your information, Tenlink must pay for the manpower cost and all any sundry cost of 20 to 30 Senior Tencent’s engineers to develop the relevant APP. And Tenlink also responsible for all future maintenance and operation cost in our operation in China and Hong Kong.
- Just for your information, the average monthly salary for each individual engineer to overseas at least USD15,000 (i.e., RMB100,000). This imply that Tenlink investor huge amount into the project as well.
- The profit sharing is 70% belong to Tenlink and 30% belong to investor/government. (Subject to final negotiation)
- In case our joint-venture partner (i.e., investor/government) wants to establish their own operation office back in their country, then they have to bear their own cost!
How about Data Storage Server and Data control?
A) First of all, the data storage servers can be kept in Tencent servers in different countries outside of China You can find from this link the Tencent global computing server list https://www.tencentcloud.com/global-infrastructure Attached please find the photo of the Regions and Availability Zones of Tencent servers.
B) According to the requirement of government, the cloud computing data storage servers can also be kept in their own country according to their requirement. In any case, their government is able to control the data themselves.
First of all, I think you so much for your time and patient to read this long email. I will appreciate if you have any question about this project, please don’t hesitate to ask. In case you need a conference call, please use Voov meeting because this is the only cloud meeting APP that we can use in China.
Sincerely yours,
Eric Wong
COO – Hong Kong Tenlink Network Co., Ltd.
Attachment files:
1. Background Story of Tencent One Phone Tour – This explain you why intelligent tourism is very important to develop in China
2. Egypt Tour Destination on a mobile phone project Solution - You can find those APP at our “One-Phone Tour” in this presentation.
3. Regions and Availability Zones of Tencent servers
7. Mr. Ma, CEO of Tencent – announce in public about the great success of Yunnan APP announce in public about the great success of Yunnan APP
8. Tencent One-Phone Tour advertising at public